Maintaining natural hair can be a full time job and a contact sport on some days. Natural hair is beautiful in all its glory but I’m here to tell you, to achieve a beautiful natural crown takes a little more work than wishful thinking and endless scrolling and viewing of natural YouTube videos.
When you have natural hair kinky and coily hair, it pays to have the right tools to make wash day or any day go more smoothly. Let’s keep it real, while hair seems minuscule it’s the first thing people see when they meet you and it draws attention no matter what it is. Plus I would hate for one to be tardy for that all too important lunch date or interview because you failed to have the right stuff on hand to control your mane. To keep your natural tresses all the way together, there are 5 styling tools you need in your natural hair styling kit today.
1. Detangler Brush
There are so many variations of the detangler brush and the possibilities are endless.
A detangler brush will help you maintain your mane and keeping the tangles at bay..especially on wash day. Whatever brush you decide be sure that it suits your lifestyle as well as hair texture.
2. Heated Cap
When wash day comes around it is essential to deep condition your tresses. A deep condition is great for overall hair health and retention but adding heat to your deep conditioning is BAE!!!! You can achieve a deep treatment condition with heat at any time and on the go with a heated cap. I love them as they are so convenient. You simply pop them in the microwave to the desired heat and wear it over your deep condition with a shower cap of course. It’s cordless and you don’t have to be stationary. You can move around watch a little TV of finish up some chores around the house. They store away easily and are very light weight.
3. Satin Scarf/Bonnet
If you’re a natural and you’ve been at the natural hair life for a while you may already know this but a satin scarf or bonnet is crucial for natural hair health. When you go to lay you head a night, you have to cover you crown with protection. A satin scarf/bonnet will do the trick. It protects you hair from the friction it may receive it at night and reduces breakage. Let’s not forget, when it’s time to lay those edges, we need the perfect satin scarf to get those edges slayed and laid.
4. Wide tooth comb
Just like the detangler brush, this is MAJOR!!! We all know natural hair is kinky and coily but you still need to be able to comb it Sis. Here’s how: a nice wide tooth comb!!!! Of course there’s no way coily hair can withstand a small fine tooth comb to help in the detangling process....Aht....Aht!!! We need good ole’ a nice wide tooth comb that glides through the thick mane leaving natural hair smooth and bouncy.
5. Mist spray bottle
Moisture is everything when it comes to natural hair!! Kinky textured hair tends to be dry and dryness can cause breakage. The help remedy your moisture needs in between wash day and styling, you can used the mist spray bottle to add a little moisture whenever needed. The mist bottle gives the perfect amount of hydration and mist without over-saturating the hair. You can add you favorite leave in or just plain H2O and have a ball with hydrating you hair.
Now that you have the tools, gone and get ta styling!!! Good luck!!
