Hey Curl Cousins!! So I have the real tea on Aloe Vera and how this miracle plant can do wonderful things for your natural hair. Who knew this miracle plant was holding all the nutrients and moisture us natural girls want and dream for. And just to think…it’s been in your nearby grocery store hiding in the produce section like nothing. Well Aloe Vera…the gag is up and I’m officially making you apart of my natural hair regimen.
Let’s be clear, I’ve used Aloe Vera gel to create my own DIY Moisturizing spray. I normally use it to refresh my curls and for my LOC method. I just never thought to put the whole darn plant on my tresses. The Aloe Vera plant has so many benefits and can be used so many ways.
5 Ways to use Aloe Vera Gel
1. Moisturize Dry Hair - Aloe is natural moisturizer and can add PH balance to hair
2. Pre Poo - When it's wash day, use pure aloe gel to help prep your hair for washing
3. Deep Conditioner - add your favorite oil (I normally use olive oil) and plastic cap to create the perfect deep conditioner
4. Detangler - If you like most naturals, you have a lazy day or two, or three. Using the pure aloe gel helps break down the hair while allowing ease with detangling 5. Growth Treatment - combine the aloe gel with your favorite caster oil to create a paste like consistency. Apply and let it hang out in your hair. You can even let it sit overnight. Wash our and process with styling
Lately, I’ve been using it as a moisturizing pre-poo on wash day. It has made my wash day so much smoother and my hair is thanking me for it.
Make Aloe Vera your best friend and try it on your next wash day routine. You won’t be disappointed. You'll discover that you hair is so moisturized and supple. You’ll also wonder (just like me) why you haven’t incorporated Aloe Vera into your routine before now. And GUESS WHAT??? It’ll be the cheapest product in your stash so it’s a WIN-WIN!!!