Here is the skinny, I am approaching my 8th year of rocking my natural tresses and the journey has been just that…A JOURNEY!!! I learned so many things along the way. The Do’s and the Don’t’s, the ups and the downs and what I have taken away from this long journey is that consistency is key. I know…. you hate that “C” word, but it is what it is. With anything that you are trying to shift or change you must be consistent. I have learned in my own hair journey that consistency and having a regimen has been the key in the success of my thriving tresses. Now do not get me wrong, I have my lazy natural days just like anyone else, but I am here to tell you, making baby steps and applying a regimen will help you along the way.
I am asked regularly, “How I do get my hair to cooperate?’, “How often do I shampoo?”, “How do I get my hair to look the way it does?”, I receive endless question about my hair. The main thing I always respond with, “What is your hair regimen?” and it is always followed up with a deep blank stare.
Most naturals feel like it is too time consuming to create a regimen and they do not want to put in the work. If you do not have a schedule or regimen for your hair, your hair with not thrive. There is also a misconception that natural hair is easier and will somehow be flawless and flowing without doing anything to it…. NOT!!! Let us be honest, if you dream to have hair like your favorite YouTuber or influencer then you must put in some work. Believe me, I am sure your “Hair Crush” did not get that hair overnight
Take a fitness plan for instance. If a person is trying to lose weight or reach a goal weight, we all know that without an exercise schedule or diet plan that a person is less likely to reach their goal weight. Well, the same holds true for hair goals. If you do not have a regimen or schedule you may not reach your “Hair Goals. So, every time I am asked the same questions about my hair, I always follow up with the same response…” What is your hair regimen”?
So, if you are stuck with giving that deep blank stare, not sure where to start and you are looking to take your natural hair journey to the next level…ask yourself these questions:
· Are you struggling to stay consistent with your hair regimen?
· Do you have a consistent natural hair routine?
· Do you have natural hair goals?
· Do you need help with creating hair routine?
· Do you want to track your hair growth progress?
· Do you want to discover what products makes your hair its healthiest?

If you answered yes to at least one of the questions, then you need the FREE “TD Natural Hair Guide” to help you reach your natural hair goals. The TD Natural Hair Guide will get you on your way to a consistent routine that is easy to follow. It is fillable and customizable to fit your schedule, your hair needs and most importantly, it is FREE!!
Just the thing to get you started on the road to your own Hair Goals!! Download your copy TODAY!!!

Happy Hair Goals!!